Jan 12, 2010
Ghost Town
It's never a good sign when the co-tenants of your office building slowly begin to dwindle in numbers. Last May we were moved into a shared office structure and settled into the 2nd floor penthouse, with plenty of windows and natural light it was a welcome upgrade from our old building. A few weeks before Christmas we were informed that the other business would be licensed out and all but a few employees were handed their walking papers. Ouch - Happy Holidays, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Fortunately our company has been performing relatively well, despite the down economy of 2009. Regardless, we're now the sole occupants of a building much too large for a company which directly employees all of 11 people. Last week saw the last of our days in the penthouse, somehow it was decided that moving our company to the groud level and subletting the 2nd floor was the way to go for 2010. Hopefully there won't be any haunts from the previous brand that lurked these hallowed cubicles !
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